Ironing Tips: How to create an ironing routine

to iron clothes

Ironing is one of those necessary chores that most people do not find enjoyable. They do it out of need and not want. I am the chief ironing person in my household, one of many household duties. My ironing duties range from making sure our 2 school-bound children have crisp clothing every morning to the ironing needs of the chief transporter of the household, my wife. She drives the kids to school and picks them up, most of the time.

Getting back to the subject at hand, homes with good ironing routines and equipment usually find ironing easier than those without. For this reason, it is important to have a good ironing routine and all the correct tools needed to ease ironing. If you are looking for top ironing tips on creating an ironing routine and what you need for successful ironing, this article is for you. 

Here is the short answer! There are two things to consider when creating an ironing routine. The first is how much time you can put aside for ironing clothes, and the second is how often you rotate your clothes and do laundry that require ironing. Besides an effective ironing routine, you will also need some ironing equipment (like a traditional ironing board, a steam iron, a pressing cloth, an ironing board cover, a sleeve board, a spray bottle, and a tailor’s ham) to carry out successful ironing and pressing clothes.  

After detailed research, we’ve covered everything you should know about creating an ironing routine and what you need for successful ironing in this article. Continue reading to learn more. 

How can you create an ironing routine?

to iron clothes

Everyone can’t have the same routine to iron clothes. Ironing routines must suit the needs of different people with different schedules and lives even though we all “have to” wear clothes. For this reason, you need to create an ironing routine that works for you.

It is quite easy to create an ironing routine. All you need do is,

  • Estimate the amount of time you can put aside for ironing

This is quite important because everyone has different schedules. Some are students, while some have more or less demanding jobs. As such, creating an ironing routine based on your schedule is best.

Suppose you have a very busy schedule with just weekends off, ironing time should be around once a week. Those who have cultivated the habit of washing small piles of clothes several times a week can settle with a Saturday ironing routine. Those who have cultivated the habit of piling their clothes and cleanup chores for the weekend can decide on a Saturday evening or Sunday ironing routine. It’s good practice if you have the space in your laundry room to have an ironing board and a good iron within the room.

If your schedule is quite relaxed due to a holiday or for whatever reason, you can iron your clothes immediately after washing and drying to keep your house neat and tidy at all times. You can also decide to iron midweek and at the end of the week, especially if you live with kids. as long as the right expectations are set you can do this. Those of us who have more time can lean into this task and get a sharp crease every time plus removing all the wrinkles. Others who have less time expect to just remove wrinkles.

For students or anyone whose schedule constantly fluctuates, create the habit of ironing clothes anytime you can or iron as the need arises. 

Determine how often you use and wash clothes that need ironing

Some people despise ironing to the point where they purchase only or most clothes that do not need to be ironed. Others put aside clothes that need ironing and only use them in critical situations.

As a result, ironing routines will vary depending on how often you use and wash clothes that need to be ironed.

Most males, especially those who wear suits and shirts on daily bases, should iron at least once a week. Same with females that have such outfits.

Those on a mission to acquire only ironing-free clothes will probably never iron unless they have kids or spouse whose clothes require ironing. In such a situation, it is best to iron either on weekends or midweek and weekend.

What do you need for successful ironing?

to iron clothes

Besides an effective ironing routine, you need the right equipment and techniques for successful ironing.

What are the right and necessary ironing equipment for successful ironing?

There are several types of equipment you need to carry out successful ironing, including; 

  1. Steam Iron
to iron clothes

Good steam iron is a must for wrinkled clothes. They are usually heavier and better than dry irons. A good and effective steam iron should have the following characteristics.

  • It should have different temperature controls. Remember that not all fabric and garment need to be ironed with the same heat intensity. As such, ensure that the iron you are purchasing is quite flexible with temperature control for different fabrics.
  • It should be a heavyweight iron. Heavyweight steam irons are better and faster at removing creases than lightweight irons.
  • The handle shock should be heat resistant and shockproof.
  • It should have a non-stick coating. Steam iron with a non-stick coating such as ceramic is best. It glides smoothly through the dress and prevents burns due to excessive heating.
  • It should have a good steam capacity with a decent speed and level of heating.
  • The water tank capacity should be large enough to avoid frequent refills.
  • The cord length of the steam iron should be long enough to facilitate ironing.
  1. Ironing Board / Ironing board cover
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You can go for a padded or unpadded ironing board. A sturdy ironing board is good and will last longer. An ironing board provides you the flat surface required for proper ironing.

  1. Pressing cloth

As the name insinuates, a protective ironing cloth will serve as the first line of defense against any excessive heating from the iron that may have burned your dress. Besides that, it also makes it possible for you to straighten out fabrics that will be damaged when ironed directly with a heated iron.

  1. Spray Bottle

A spray bottle filled with tap water will spray a fine mist and simplify your ironing task. Even if you have an iron with a great steam capacity, still use a spray bottle filled with water when ironing. When the iron at high temperatures comes in contact with the water sprayed on the cloth, more steam will be generated, easing your ironing by taking off all creases.

  1. Sleeve Board

As the name implies, a sleeve ironing board is a small C-shaped ironing board designed for use in ironing sleeves without leaving any creases behind. 

  1. Pressing Ham / Tailor’s Ham

A pressing ham is perfect for eliminating any crease on the shoulders of your jackets and shirts. 

7. Clothes hanger

After a good ironing session, you need to store the clothes in a fashion that would maintain the current state. This is where hangers come in handy, hang your clothes once you finish ironing.


So far, we have shown how to establish a personalized ironing routine. All you need to do when creating one is to consider your schedule and how often you use and wash clothes that need ironing. 

We have also suggested ironing schedules for some case scenarios. If yours falls within them, you can choose to follow it or, better still, create yours.

Furthermore, we have seen that the secret to successful ironing lies in correctly using the right equipment. Although quality equipment is more expensive, they are more efficient and durable. Additionally, they are usually cheaper in the long run.

Thanks for reading to the end!


Is pressing the same as ironing?

Ironing and pressing clothes are two different tasks. Ironing is the process of heating up a garment until all the wrinkles are gone. Pressing, on the other hand, is the task of smoothing out a garment by using pressure. Although the two tasks achieve the same goal, pressing is a faster and easier way to get rid of wrinkles.

Is there another way to iron your clothes?

There are other ways to remove wrinkles on clothes instead of ironing. One way is to use a steamer. A steamer heats up the fabric and releases the wrinkles, I use a steamer for my loungewear or clothing I wear around the house and used to go to the supermarket. Another way is to use a clothing pressing machine. A pressing machine uses heat and pressure to remove wrinkles. additionally, you can:

  1. Hang clothes outside to dry in the sun
  2. Use a damp towel to straighten out wrinkles

Does everyone need to iron their clothes?

No, not everyone needs to iron their clothes. If you don’t mind wrinkles or you’re going for a more relaxed look, then you don’t need to iron your clothes. However, if you want your clothes to look their best, then you’ll need to break out the iron and get to work.

Do all clothes need to be ironed?

No, not all clothes need to be ironed. Clothes made from natural fibers like cotton and linen usually need to be ironed. However, clothes made from synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon usually don’t need to be ironed.

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