Incredible Uses for Alexa from holiday lights to Birthdays

Alexa birthday skill

Have you heard about the Alexa birthday skill? Better yet, did you know you can automate your Christmas lights with Alexa? Alexa may be the most popular among all the smart voice assistants available today. However, it also has many other uses that you may not have been aware of.

By using the Blueprints feature, you may develop an Alexa skill, such as having Alexa count down the days before a special event, managing devices, and setting a to-do list.

If you have an upcoming vacation, wedding, or birthday that you can’t afford to forget we’ve got you covered.

In this blog post, you can get information about how to set a count down in Alexa, create an Alexa Birthday skill, and Smart Christmas lights skill. Keep reading to learn more.

What exactly is Alexa?

Alexa is Amazon’s voice-activated smart assistant, which is built in Echo devices and compatible with a wide range of other devices like a smartphone or a PC. To function, Alexa has to be connected to the Internet through Wi-Fi.

How do you engage Alexa?

Alexa requires a wake word to begin processing commands. 

The term Alexa is the default; however, you may change it to any other term or one of the other available alternatives by downloading the free Amazon Alexa application for iPhone or Android.

Alexa-enabled devices can do various tasks, such as playing music, answering questions, adding Alexa birthday skills, reading the news, enabling Alexa Christmas lights, adjusting the temperature, and activating smart home features. 

Now, let’s take a look at some of the Cool uses of Alexa, from Christmas lights to birthdays.

How to set up Alexa with Smart Christmas Lights

uses for Alexa

Alexa paired with smart plugs to control smart lights during holidays

Alexa makes it easy to get started.

  • Ask Alexa to search for devices. 
  • If your smart outlet is switched on, Alexa will locate it (you might have to enable a new Skill).
  • Launch the Alexa app and go to the Devices section to find your plug. 
  • Save after changing the title to “Christmas lights.”
  • Say, “Alexa, activate the holiday lights.”

Some smart plugs may need the activation of an Alexa skill to function. With an Echo show and a Zigbee connector, you can avoid the requirement for hubs and do all the setup via Alexa. If you purchase the Tapo or Kasa plugs, you’ll need to utilize the appropriate app to set it up. However, the best practice is to have the plug working before adding it to Alexa.

Alexa also allows you to combine devices and switch on your holiday lights simultaneously with the other smart devices in the room.

Schedule your smart Christmas tree lights

Using the Alexa app, you may automatically program the lights to switch on and off at particular times. For instance, if you only want the lights to be on when it is dark outside, you may arrange them to switch on at sunset and off at daybreak.

Alternatively, you may choose particular hours, such as 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. And if you have a Christmas tree in your home, you may also automate its lights.

Note that a smart plug is required for this to function.

  • Open Alexa and tap Routines. Click the plus sign (+) to set up a new routine. 
  • Choose When this occurs. 
  • Select the schedule next.
  • Here, you may pick Sunrise or Sunset, define a precise time, and choose the days you want this routine to occur. 
  • Tap Next, followed by Add action. 
  • Tap Smart Home followed by All Devices.
  • Choose the smart plug associated with your lights from this menu. 
  • Then, turn the electricity on or off as needed for the schedule you’re creating by turning the switch. 
  • Tap Next followed by Save.
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How Setting a countdown in Alexa is possible?

You must be wondering how to set a countdown in Alexa. Yes, you can, and here are the simple ways to do this.

Find the Blueprint to set the count down.

Here is how you add count-down blueprints to Alexa

  • Launch Alexa on your Apple phone or Google Android smartphone. 
  • You may access settings such as Reminders, Routines, etc., by tapping “More” on the bottom bar. 
  • To extend this list, pick “Blueprints” after tapping the “More” button.
  • Now you must find How Many Days.
  •  You may check the Featured tab first, but if you don’t see anything, try the Home or All tabs. 
  • When you find it, choose it.
  • The Play button is located at the top of the details page.
  • To begin, select “Make Your Own” at the bottom of the page.

Create and Personalize the count-down

You can personalize or customize Alexa to count down days

  • The first step in creating an event is to input its name. 
  • Then, choose a date from the calendar, then touch “OK.”
  • For occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries, you can select “This is an Annual Event.”
  • You may configure the skill to incorporate events for the whole family.
  •  It is convenient if, for example, you want to input the birthdays of many family members. 
  • Tap “Add Event” and repeat the previous steps.
  • After adding events, press “Next: Experience” at the top of the screen. 
  • You will then be able to modify the skill.

Common features of Alexa Birthday Skill

Alexa Happy Birthday

Play the Happy Birthday song using Alexa

One of the most excellent timer features is the ability to schedule a “Happy Birthday” performance by Alexa at a specific time. It’s one of the fun birthday skills. If you want Alexa to play “Happy Birthday” in precisely 50 minutes, you may tell her to do so.

If you’ve told Alexa to play Happy Birthday 50 minutes before you expected the birthday person to arrive or before all other preparations are complete, she’ll do just that.

Alexa can send Birthday Wishes.

Alexa can send digital Birthday wishes to other Alexa devices, but she cannot send real holiday greeting cards. Hallmark Holiday Greeting is an Alexa Skill Blueprint. Then, you may choose an appropriate welcome and personalize it with a special letter or voice.

Follow the instructions on-screen to finish your birthday wishes.

  • Select Share With Others when you’re ready to wish someone’s birthday. 
  • Once the skill has been enabled on the recipient’s Alexa device, they only need to say, “Alexa, open Holiday Greeting or Birthday Wish” Your message is now audible to them.


Can Alexa set alarms for different birthdays?

Your options are every day, Monday through Friday, or once a week on a specific day. Once you’ve set the alarm, Alexa will verify that you’ve done so and tell you how often it will go off.

Is there a Christmas mode for Alexa?

Use your Amazon Echo to listen to seasonal music. To hear festive music, have Alexa play the Christmas Sounds skill once you’ve enabled it. You’ll listen to a never-ending parade of owl hoots, horse clip-clops, jingle bells, and more. There seems to be a lively celebration occurring inside your Echo.


The smart home is where Alexa shines, but she’s capable of much more. With Blueprints, you may develop skills, such as instructing Alexa to count down the days until a particular occasion. Alexa can do all of these tasks and more for you using voice controls and you can take an Alexa device on vacation with you, too!

Thanks for reading to the end!

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