Many people wonder which type of marble is better to use on the floor: cultured marble countertops vs quartz countertops.
In general, cultured marble countertops are softer and have a higher tactile sensitivity than quartz. This means that you can use cultured marble on the floor instead of carpeting.
In this blog post, we will be comparing both types of materials and discuss the pros and cons and compare both of them.
What are Cultured Marble and Quartz?

Cultured marble is manufactured stone which is a mixture of marble and resin. It’s made to look, feel, and imitate the real thing.
Quartz is a type of metamorphic rock that is usually composed of silica. Technically, a quartz crystal is a solid solution formed from silicon and oxygen atoms in some proportion that includes impurities such as water vapor or carbon dioxide.
Pros Cons of Cultured Marble Kitchen Countertops

Pros | Cons |
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Pros and Cons Quartz Countertop Material

Pros | Cons |
Comparison Cultured Marble vs Quartz

Cultured marble and quartz are composed of the same material – silicon dioxide. They have a similar look and feel.
The main difference is the manufacturing process, which is why you’ll notice that quartz is a little more expensive than cultured marble.
There are also other factors to consider when comparing the two, such as:
Cultured marble looks very much like a natural product. Colors, veining, and another patterning can be matched, but quartz is far more consistent in those areas. If you want to replicate a marble look, cultured marble is the better choice.
Cultured marble is more durable than quartz. Marble will scratch and chip over time, but cultured marble is resistant to heat, cold, acids, and alkaline.
Cultured marble cost ranges from $30-$100 per square foot, depending on the brand and the size of your project.
If you’re looking for a cultured marble vanity top, it will cost anywhere from $199-$899. Costs can also vary depending on whether you use it in a bathroom or kitchen and the material’s color.
Quartz costs $50-$150 per square foot. A vanity top will cost $300+, and the specific material will depend on color.
When it comes to pricing, cultured marble is more affordable than quartz because it’s made from a mixture of marble and resin.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Cultured marble is easier to clean than quartz. It’s also easier to maintain and can be resealed. On the other hand, quartz cannot be resealed, nor does it allow for easy cleaning.
Increasing Resale Value
Cultured marble is far cheaper than natural stone while still increasing a home’s resale value. On the other hand, Quartz is difficult to install, very expensive, and not as aesthetically pleasing.
Which Should You Choose?
Cultured marble and quartz are both good choices that offer a range of benefits. It depends on your project, budget, and aesthetic taste.
Where can you buy cultured marble?
You can buy cultured marble at several places. Your best bet is to find a dealer who sells top brands like Caesarstone or Cambria.
Does cultured marble scratch easily?
Cultured marble scratches a little more than quartz but not as much as natural stone. This is because the material used to make cultured marble is harder than quartz and is resistant to scratches. If you’re looking for something more scratch-resistant, then cultured marble is the way to go.
Can you stain cultured marble?
Yes, you can stain cultured marble. You can use polyurethane, for example, which is not considered a stain.
Cultured marble is not recommended in a shower because it is very easy to damage and leak.
How to tell the difference between cultured marble and real marble?
Cultured marble is manufactured stone, so it’s not natural. There are some ways to tell the difference between cultured marble and natural stone.
Cultured marble is smoother, lighter, and easier to keep clean than natural marble. You’ll also notice a slight shine on the material, which is not present in natural stone.
The veining of cultured marble is consistent, whereas natural stone will have different sizes and shapes.
Is cultured marble heat resistant?
Cultured marble is far more heat resistant than quartz. It can withstand extreme temperatures.