Blink Camera Not Detecting Motion? Try This!

blink not recording motion

When it comes to home security, many people want their security cameras to be consistently reliable. Having a dedicated security camera that can detect and record motion is essential. Motion detection is the most basic feature of a security camera, and it is designed to see any kind of motion within its field of view. When a Blink Camera detects motion, the camera will record and alert you when it does so. This way, you can keep an eye on your property from afar and have evidence of what happened in case something suspicious occurs.

Unfortunately, there are times when a security camera may not record even when it should be detecting motion. If your Blink Camera isn’t recording correctly, it’s crucial to find out why so you can ensure that your home is secure. The most common reasons Blink motion detection may not work include:

Low power on the blink camera batteries or an internet connection interruption.

Low battery power can occur if the blink camera batteries are old or dying. Read our post on the best batteries for your camera to find a suitable replacement battery. A WiFi interruption could mean there is too much interference or the signal is weak.

If the Wi-Fi signals appear weak, ensure that your camera is at an optimal distance with the Blink sync module.

The short answer to Blink Camera not detecting motion:

This guide applies to the blink video doorbell, The Blink outdoor camera, and also the blink mini

One of the very most important features of a Blink Camera device! It’s the stuff that brings us peace of mind, knowing any and all activity will be brought to our attention. So it’s understandable why you’re concerned if your camera won’t detect motion or record it. Rest assured, a few simple tweaks can get your motion detection sensor up and running in no time.

One possible culprit could be Activity Zones – these zones let you customize which part of your camera’s field of view is paid extra attention to and enable you to receive alerts when only specific areas detect motion. Make sure yours are all set up properly!

Also, check that the Motion Detection is enabled and not snoozed – this toggle switch lets you turn the on and off the feature whenever needed. Lastly, ensure it’s “Armed” so you won’t miss any movements regardless of snooze or activity zone settings. If these quick troubleshooting tips did not get everything in tip-top working order right away, keep reading to learn how to fix this issue for good.

Note: We’ll be using the Blink app and its different settings to troubleshoot this issue further, be sure to launch your Blink App and follow along.

How to tell when blink camera motion detection is active and enabled?

motion detection

When motion detection settings are enabled in the Blink App, the Icon will be blue, but when they’re disabled, Icon will be gray. Go into your Blink Camera settings menu, under enable Motion Detection toggle, and make sure the Toggle Icon is blue or to the right.

However, while Motion detection may be enabled, if Motion recording is disabled, that would be one possible cause for your motion detection troubles. Still, check the toggle icon under Motion Recording and ensure that it is blue and to the right. If that’s all good and well and the issue persists, read the Next steps.

Make sure you’re following Blinks installation best practices

Motion detection on your blink camera may work correctly, but is your notification snoozed? Maybe you forgot to arm the blink camera system.

In the Blink App Settings Menu (not Camera Settings), go into Notification Options and ensure that you allow notifications from the Blink App on your phone or tablet.

motion notification

A little further down, under these same settings, you should see notification categories where you can confirm motion notification is enabled.

Remember: These settings may be correct, but if your Blink system is disarmed, you won’t receive notifications on your phone when the Blink camera detects motion. If you usually disarm your Blink security system during the day while you’re home, this may be the cause.

disarmed blink camera

To better troubleshoot motion detection problems with your Blink Camera, turn on the status LED Indicators.

The LED light on a Blink Camera will flash blue whenever motion is detected and recorded. This light indicator is a very convenient and reliable way to ensure that your motion detection system is working properly and accurately.

To physically confirm that the motion detection feature of your Blink Camera is working properly, you can turn on the status indicator. The status indicator is located next to the LED light and will display a small light when motion has been detected, and recording has begun.

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When the Blink Camera senses motion, it will activate the motion sensor, which triggers the camera’s image processing algorithm to start recording. The image processing algorithm then analyses each frame of video footage from the camera to detect any changes or anomalies that may indicate movement.

If it finds something out of the ordinary, it will trigger the LED light on top of your Blink Camera to flash blue for several seconds as an alert that something has been detected and recorded.

Making a case for enabling status indicators on blink cameras

This status indicator also helps eliminate false alarms from objects like trees swaying in the wind or other non-threatening aspects of nature that may otherwise cause false positives when using motion detection technology. Users need to understand this distinction so they don’t have to worry about having their security recordings filled with unnecessary data or false alarms that are easily dismissed via visual inspection.

In addition, turning on the status indicator can also be used to determine if there are any hardware or software issues present with your blink cameras themselves, such as low battery levels or signal interference. By seeing whether or not your Blink Camera’s LED flashes blue when it should be detecting motion, you can quickly identify any potential problems with its performance before they have time to become serious security risks down the line.

Ultimately, having access to a reliable visual cue like this makes it easier for homeowners and business owners to ensure their security systems are always up and running without issue so they can rest easy knowing their property is protected even in unexpected scenarios.

Are you having fun? is your blink camera detecting and recording motion at this point?

We hope this article has helped you troubleshoot the motion detection issue with your Blink Camera. If, after following all of these steps, the problem persists, then don’t hesitate to reach out to Blink support for further assistance. 

Remember that reliable motion detection is essential if you want your security system to be effective and protect your property from potential threats or intruders. With a little bit of patience and effort in setting up your camera correctly, you should have no trouble ensuring its performance remains top-notch at all times!

Some benefits of a sound working motion-detecting home security system

Why you must always have it in working order

Motion detection recording has many benefits as well. For example, when you are away from home for extended periods or even if you are away for just a few hours, recording motion can help deter burglars who may be eyeing your property or trying to break in.

By having your camera record when motion is detected, you will not only know that someone has been there, but you’ll also have evidence of their movements and activities on video, which could help law enforcement identify and catch them if they commit a crime.

An efficient way to record significant events and maximize storage

Another benefit of motion detection recordings is that it helps reduce false alarms. Some cameras rely on infrared sensors or sound-based technology to detect motion which can lead to false alarms due to things like lighting changes or pet movement. Having recordings that capture the actual activity eliminates the guesswork, so you can quickly determine whether there was a real threat present or not.

Helps to prevent Package Theft

Lastly, motion recordings are helpful for monitoring other activities, such as packages being delivered while you’re away from home, children playing in the backyard, or pets wandering around the house. This feature allows you to be alerted when something happens without constantly monitoring the feed yourself all day long.

Final words on Blink camera motion detection problems

Overall, having a reliable security system with a motion detection feature should be a priority for anyone looking for effective home security solutions. It provides peace of mind knowing that suspicious activity will be recorded and alerts will be sent so that action can be taken quickly if necessary. It also ensures accurate recordings without triggering false alarms so that actual events go unnoticed.

Check out the Best home security tips to ensure home safety and security.

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