How can I control my Roomba using Alexa and Google Assistant?

roomba alexa commands

How can I control my Roomba using Alexa and Google Assistant?

A Roomba is a considerate addition to your smart home devices list, reducing most of the hassle associated with housekeeping. You probably never imagined a day when you could trust your home’s weekly vacuuming to an advanced cleaning robot. 

Roomba could reach every corner, operate according to a predetermined schedule, and give you a full report on the dirt it removed. Your Roomba is so advanced that it can empty its trash can when it’s complete.

You may connect Roomba to Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri to enhance your robot vacuum’s hands-free cleaning capabilities. If you use an Amazon Alexa device or other smart home device assistants.

In this article, you will read about Roomba, connectivity with Alexa and Google Assistant, and the voice commands you can use to schedule a cleaning job.

What is Roomba?

iRobot sells a line of autonomous robot vacuum cleaners called Roomba. The Roomba can automatically vacuum the floor in a typical home, avoiding furniture and other obstacles. It is equipped with a collection of fundamental sensors to assist with its functions. 

It utilizes two independently functioning wheels for 360-degree turns. Combined with an integrated computer and the Roomba Open Interface, it is also adaptable to conduct various “creative” jobs. For example, the Roomba can reverse course when it collides with an obstruction, recognize unclean places on the ground, and identify drops to prevent itself from tumbling downstairs.

How do I connect Roomba to Alexa?

Assistant integration applies to your entire equipment fleet, and you cannot change it from Vac-to-Vac. To connect: 

  1. Open the irobot app, then press the ‘Settings’ button on the right.
  2. Tap SmartHome.
  3. Taps work for Amazon Alexa. 
  4. Select Link Account. You’ll go into Alexa’s app, or it’s in your browser if yours is not there.
  5. I want this button for you to click on it and click. 
  6. Eventually, you’ll return to my iRobot app.
  7.  Alexa will now alert you that they have detected Roomba. If not, you may find the device by using an automated device search engine. You’re also not requiring manual activation if the iRobot skill is activated.

How do I connect Roomba to Google Assistant?

Although the iRobot app supports Google Assistant integration in the same place as Alexa, you do not have to use the app. Do what is listed below. 

  1. Download Google Home apps. 
  2. Click on Add on your home screen. 
  3. Click on setup. 
  4. Tap when a button is clicked. Are there any other things that are in this place? Find an iRobot. 
  5. To get to a specific address, you must log in and click the link in your account to get to your account. 
  6. The confirmation is triggered, and you will go to the Google Home app, where you’ll have the choice of the room, select the place and verify your house address.
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Using Roomba Alexa commands

If you have not chosen a name for your robot, Alexa instructions will default to using “Roomba.” To have a little fun, though, I strongly advise you to come up with a fun, familiar name for your Roomba.

Use commands such as “Alexa, ask Roomba [name] to start cleaning.” Or, “Alexa, request that [Roomba name] begin cleaning.” It’s not about precise commands; you can often give tasks by first taking the robot’s name.

After Roomba has finished cleaning and mapping your house, you may give it specific instructions by naming a particular room, Alexa, ask Roomba to clean the bedroom or “in front of the sofa.”

Here is a list of Roomba Alexa commands

To get Roomba to start vacuuming, you can say:

“Alexa, ask Roomba to start vacuuming.”

To get Roomba to start VACUUMING for a fixed amount of time, you can say:

“Alexa, tell Roomba to vacuum for 30 minutes.”

To schedule vacuuming jobs with voice commands, you can say:

“Alexa, tell Roomba to vacuum in 10 minutes.”

To set up a vacuuming schedule or routine, you would say, 

“Alexa, tell Roomba to schedule cleaning every Monday at 9 AM.”

To get Roomba to stop vacuuming and cancel a scheduled vacuuming job, you can say:

“Alexa, tell Roomba to stop vacuuming,” or to send it back to the charging station, you can say, “Alexa, tell Roomba to go home.”

To temporarily pause vacuuming or a scheduled cleaning job, Alexa, tell Roomba to pause vacuuming.”

To resume the scheduled sweeping job, Alexa, tell Roomba to resume vacuuming.”


How do I manually connect my Roomba to Alexa?

Generally speaking, Roomba will immediately connect with Alexa. If it does not automatically connect, you must join it manually.

  1. You must access Alexa’s app and the associated devices.
  2. Link your Roomba to your home network’s Wi-Fi. Most Roombas are only compatible with 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi.
  3. Be sure to add the Roomba skills for Alexa.
  4. After that, access the iRobot application.
  5. Link the Roomba using the iRobot app. It will just need a second.
  6. You may search manually if the software doesn’t find a Roomba automatically.
  7. Afterward, connect the Roomba to the Alexa app.

Here is a video on how to connect your Roomba to Wi-Fi

As Roomba has Wi-Fi connections, too, it answers people’s questions about How do I set up my Roomba 690?

  1. Start by turning on the Roomba. 
  2. You can now install a charging point in an accessible area, such as a compact kitchen.
  3. Install the Home Base charging point, so it is flat against the wall in your lovely home.
  4. The next thing you need to do is begin the cycle of cleaning.
  5. The iRobot HOME app must first be downloaded and installed on your device to use this feature.

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