Best Painting Tips: Should you paint trim or walls first?

paint wall

Painting is a time-consuming task that demands you to exercise patience. Besides the physical labor needed to get it done, you must make several challenging decisions like choosing to paint trim or walls first. So should you paint walls or trim first? Freshly painted walls are very motivating, but read on to learn more about this subject.

The answer to this question is very subjective. It all depends on your personal preference. However, before making any choice, it is best first to understand the pros and cons of choosing to paint trim , then the walls or vice versa

This article aims to make this challenging decision easier for you by first understanding the pros and cons of painting walls or trims first. In the end, you can choose after fully comprehending what each entails. So you don’t want to stop reading here.

Should you paint the trim first?

As stated above, this is more of a preference based on your painting skills. However, we will help you make this choice by first explaining the pros and cons if you choose to paint the trim first.

Some advantages of painting the trim first.

  • It saves time

Painting trim first makes the painting process less time-consuming. This is because putting painter’s tape on the trim is less difficult and less time-consuming than taping the edges of the walls. Furthermore, because the trims are smaller than the walls, taping them off will be less time-consuming than taping off the walls. Either way, painter’s tape is necessary for a perfect paint job.

  • It saves you from repainting your wall.
painting trim

Painting trims first saves you from repainting your walls should bleeding occur when the wall color is different from the trim. It is not uncommon for bleeding to occur when painting. Trim paint can easily bleed onto the wall and stain it. Consequently, you will be forced to repaint the wall. 

To avoid this, it is best to paint the trim first before painting the walls so that if there’s bleeding from the trim paint job, the wall can be covered by wall paint when painting the wall. However, if you decide to paint the walls first, prepare your mind to repaint them should bleeding occur.

  • It eases the painting task and reduces anxiety. 

Walls and trims are painted differently. it is more difficult to paint the trims than the walls because of their three-dimensional structure; more skills and patience are required to paint them perfectly. 

Thus, painting the trims without having to be extremely cautious about not staining the wall with trim paint will put you at ease. You would only have to focus on making the trim perfect, not giving mind to paint splashing on the wall.

  • It gives instant mental gratification.

Painting trims is more demanding than painting walls. Once you have accomplished it, you can relax, knowing you have already accomplished the more difficult task. This will encourage you to move on to the easier task (painting the walls), which is less time-consuming.

Some people may not agree with this because they stand on the fact that painting the wall first gives instant gratification. This is very true. Painting the wall first gives you instant gratification, which is quite encouraging. 

However, although painting the wall first will give you instant gratification, it still would not change the fact that the more demanding task (painting the trims) is yet to be done. Painting trim first then the walls sets you at ease, knowing that the more difficult task has already been accomplished. This is what we call instant mental gratification.

Some disadvantages of painting the trim first.

  • You may have to repaint it.

Trims are always vulnerable to wall paint. As such, painting trims first always comes with the risk of repainting them should wall paint splash on them when you paint the walls. 

Although you can avoid this by taping the trims before painting the wall, the paint may still seep through the tape if not well taped. Besides that, the edges can be stained by wall paint when painting the edges of the wall.

To avoid this, it is best to tape them with very good masking or painter’s tape before painting the walls.

  • It is not as gratifying as painting the wall first.

For some people, especially those painting for the first time, painting trims first is not as gratifying and encouraging as painting the walls first. 

Painting trims first is usually mentally gratifying for those who understand how demanding it is compared to painting walls.

Should you paint the walls first?

painting walls first

Walls or trim first? this is still up for debate. You should answer this after checking out the disadvantages and advantages of painting the wall first and comparing them with that of trims.

Some advantages when you paint walls first.

  • It gives you instant gratification.

This is one of the greatest advantages of painting your walls before your trims. When you Paint the walls first gives you instant gratification and a false notion that you have done most of the painting task.

  • It makes painting the wall easier.

Painting the walls before the trims makes the wall painting task easier. This is because you can freely paint the walls without worrying about splashing wall paint on the still-to-be-painted trims. This is especially good for those painting for the first time.

Some disadvantages of painting the walls first.

  • It may need repainting if the wall color differs.

You will need to repaint if the trim color bleeds onto the wall or you accidentally splash trim color on it while painting.

  • It is quite deceiving.

As walls are larger than trims, painting the walls first gives you instant gratification, making you feel that you have done most of the painting task. This is not true, though. 

Although walls are bigger, trims are trickier to paint. Painting trims requires more skills, time, effort, and patience. It can not be rushed over.

  • It is more time-consuming.

Painting the walls before your trims is more time-consuming. This is because taping the walls with painter’s or masking tape before painting your trims is more time-consuming than taping the trims after painting in preparation to paint the wall.

So, will you paint your walls or trims first?

So far, we have seen the pros and cons of painting the walls or trims first. There is no specific answer on which to paint first. You should choose after understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Based on the analysis, it is advisable for those painting for the first time to start with the wall to get instant gratification and be encouraged to move forward. Please, do not forget drop cloth.

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More experienced people should preferably paint the trims before the walls since it is more demanding.

Professionals and more experienced people should go with what they find easiest.

You must not follow this. Decide after first analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of painting the walls or trims, as described above.

The next challenge for you is painting a two tone wall. Let me help paint a two tone wall.

Two tone paintings: How do you paint a two-tone wall?

two tone painting

Two Tone walls are back in Style

Despite the current trend for monochrome walls, two-tone paintings are slowly returning to popularity. While a poorly done two-tone wall will require remodeling, a well-done one adds character and dimension to your home. Therefore taking the right approach to painting a two-tone wall is preferable to doing it incorrectly, which will result If you’ve ever wondered how to paint a two-tone wall, this post is for you. 

The short answer is this! In a few lines, this question cannot be fully addressed. So, if you are interested in learning how to paint a two-tone wall, look over the supplies you’ll need below and use the instructions provided.

Typically, painting a two-tone wall is not that much difficult than painting a monochromatic wall. You can finish the job quickly if you have the right equipment and apply the appropriate technique.

This article provides the necessary equipment to paint a two-tone wall and describes how to go about it. So you don’t want to stop reading here!

What materials are needed to paint a two-tone wall?

Painting a two-tone wall is demanding and requires a lot of materials, namely;

  • a can of each of the paint colors you selected
  • Two paint cans of different color
  • Two paint rollers 
  • Measuring tape
  • Paint brushes
  • Masking tape
  • Drop cloth
  • Paint tray
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Putty Knife
  • Rags

How do you paint a two-tone wall?

It is a relatively simple procedure that requires patience and time. There are several steps to follow;

Make necessary preparations

  • Purchase all the necessary materials

Without the right materials, you are more likely to fail. You must decide on the two different paints you want to use and purchase them alongside masking tape, paint rollers, and all other equipment needed for painting.

  • Prepare your wall

Preparing your wall before painting is very important to ensure it is smooth enough to ease painting. 

  • Ensure that your wall is dirt free, especially if you intend to use light paint. 
  • Fill any nail holes present with lightweight sparkles to smoothen out the wall.

Mark various points of the demarcation line with a pencil

You need to decide on the location of the demarcation line. 

  • Use a measuring tape to measure the intended height of your lower wall paint.
  • Measure in several locations and mark with a pencil.
  • Ensure that the pencil marks will form a straight line when linked horizontally.

Apply the lighter color paint

It is always advisable to apply the lighter color paint first. So,

  • Use a paint roller to roll out the paint on the section of the wall you have decided to paint with light color paint. It is advisable to keep the lighter color up and the darker color down. 
  • Paint a little further ahead of the pencil-marked points indicating the location of the demarcation line.
  • Allow the paint to dry. 

Draw the demarcation line

When the lighter color paint gets dry, draw the demarcation line using a string. 

  • Coat the string with chalk. 
  • Stretch the string horizontally and align it with the pencil marks. 
  • Hold the ends of the string to the wall with masking tape and ensure that it is straight.
  • After ensuring it is straight, press it against the wall to leave behind a straight chalk line.

Apply Masking tape

Once the chalk line has been formed, ensure that the lighter paint has completely dried up and apply masking tape. Apply the tape along the line upwards towards the already painted area to fortify the boundary.

Apply the darker color paint

Use paint rollers to paint the lower section of the wall with darker paint. Use a painting brush around the edge of the demarcation line to cover up the light paint that exceeded the demarcation line.

Take off the masking tape.

This is the last step that will unveil your painted two-tone wall. While the darker paint is still wet, pile off the masking tape and admire the beauty of your two-tone wall.

A few tricks and ideas to use when painting a two-tone wall

You can use several amazing tips and ideas to create a beautiful two-tone wall.

  • Paint the lower portion of the wall a darker color, and paint the upper portion a lighter hue. This will make your room look taller.
  • You can use darker colors if you intend to paint your windows the same color and match your lower wall color to that of the floor.
  • To avoid cracking, remove the masking tape before the paint dries.
  • Smoothen the masking tape to the wall with a knife to prevent paint from bleeding underneath the tape and damaging the clean line.
  • You can blend your home by painting the upper wall and ceiling with the same color or the lower wall and floor with the same color.
  • Do not exceed the masking tape when painting with the second paint. Using a painting brush rather than a paint roller to paint the area beside the masking tape is advisable.
  • You can add a white or colorful border between the two wall paints. All you need to do is measure the border and paint. After that, allow it to dry and mask it with masking tape. You can then paint the upper and lower walls with the masking tape serving as the demarcation line and remove it after painting both sections to get a two-tone wall with a border.


Generally, monochromatic walls are more popular compared to two-tone walls, especially those painted with colors like navy blue or gray that give houses a sophisticated regal vibe. Notwithstanding, they are disadvantageous in that they do not permit you to combine your two favorite colors when painting your home. 

As a result, two-tone walls are gradually returning to light as they allow you to blend two of your favorite colors and give your home the look you want. All you need to do to paint a two-tone wall is get the right method and materials, such as two-color paints that blend well together, masking tape, and others listed above. Then follow the step-by-step approach described above on how to paint a two-tone wall. Also, we strongly recommend applying the lighter paint before the darker paint.

Thanks for reading till the end!

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