How to Cut Granite Countertop for Cooktop

Cut the adjoining line

Knowing how to cut granite countertop for cooktop is useful for you if you want to replace the old kitchen countertop with new granite.

Otherwise, you need to substitute the stove with a larger one so that you need to cut the granite to ensure it fits with the new stove.

Granite is the best material to use in the kitchen, including a countertop, cooktop, and other parts like a backsplash.

The sophisticated look and durability of granite countertops are why their prices are high. Hence, you need to cut it carefully to avoid wasting your money on mistakes.

Steps for Cut Granite Countertop for Cooktop

How to Cut Granite Countertop for Cooktop

If you are worried about cutting granite countertops at home, you should learn how to cut granite countertops for the cooktop.

This will help you make a great cutting finish, and don’t forget to know several important things about cutting granite countertops.

Here are sequences to make a cooktop cutout in the kitchen countertop made from a granite slab. Pay attention to each step to achieve a smooth cut finish.

#1. Making a template

The first step to do on how to cut granite countertop for cooktop is making the template that will help you to cut the countertop.

You need to ensure that the edges of the templates are bigger than the previous cutout. After making the cooktop template with the preferred size, place it on the countertop.

Trace the edges of the template on the countertop with a marker pen to make it more visible.

After you completely trace the template on the countertop, you can remove the template. Now, you know the countertop area that needs to be cut.

You also can use the masking tape under the edges of the template and draw the perimeter lines.

This will prevent any unnecessary scratches on the granite countertop made by the saw blade, considering that it’s quite pricey.

#2. cut granite with a circular saw

Position the circular saw’s base onto one of the lines you have made on the granite countertop. Then, attach the vacuum to the saw hose.

Before continuing the step of cutting granite countertop for cooktop, turn on the vacuum.

It will help to clean the dust on its surface. Turn on the saw and push the blade through the drawn lines to cut the granite slab.

Keep moving the blade until it achieves the adjoining line.

#3. Cut the adjoining line

Cut the adjoining line

Now, put the saw blade onto the adjoining line. Saw this line to cut the granite slab like the previous step.

Keep doing this step to cut all the template lines so that all the outlined areas are completely trimmed.

#4. Sand the edges

After successfully cutting the countertop, you need to work with the power sander. To achieve a smooth granite edge, you have to use a sander with 100-grit sandpaper.

If there are curvy edges on the cutout result, finish the cut angles of its corners using a sander. Do it until you get the drawn lines like the template.

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#5. Clean the countertop surface

Clean the countertop surface

Once achieving the preferred finish of the cutout, the last step of cutting granite countertop for cooktop is cleaning its surface.

Take off the tape that you applied previously on the countertop surface. After it’s removed, clean any residue left on the surface resulting from the cutting process with a tack cloth.

Then, use a damp cloth to ensure all the residues are wiped out from the countertop.

As the well-cut countertop is clean, put the new cooktop in its cutout position, and you can try it for cooking.

Important things to know about cutting granite countertop

When you want to cut granite countertop, there are several important things related to this work that you want to know more such as below.

  • Cut installed granite countertop

When the granite countertop has already been installed, such as in the kitchen island, is it possible to cut it?

You can still cut installed granite as long as you have additional space on it.

Just follow all the steps of cutting granite countertops above, and you will get a smooth cut of a granite countertop.

  • Best blade to cut granite

Blade plays an important role in the success of cutting granite countertops. That’s why it is not surprising if people look for the best blade for doing this work.

The best blade to cut granite countertop relies on the thicknesses of the granite slab itself.

When you want to cut granite countertop for cooktop in the tile format, the circular saw with dry-cut stone blade serves as the best option.

Granite is a strong and hard material, so you need a diamond-tipped or carbide type blade to cut it.

Meanwhile, a wet-cut blade commonly put into the water to cool is more suitable for cutting granite countertops in a slab format.

Besides, make sure that the blade you use has a strong tip to cut the best and results in a smooth cutout area when used.

  • Attach granite countertop to the cooktop

Attach granite countertop to the cooktop

The last step on cutting the granite countertop fits the cooktop with the granite countertop.

But, how do you do this step? The most important thing you need to do is make sure that the size of both parts fits together.

Next, clean the cutout area on the granite countertop using acetone by wiping it with a rag. This is quite effective in removing dirt and debris from its surface.

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Then, apply a bead of silicone on the edges of the cutout area. Place the cooktop in the cutout position.

Press the cooktop firmly so that all of its sides are tightly sealed. Let the silicone on the cutting edges set within 24 hours before connecting the energy source to the new cooktop.

If you are planning to replace the cooktop, follow all the steps of cutting granite countertop for cooktop and important things related to the process for a perfect result.

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