6 Easy Ways Removing Rust Stains from Formica Countertops

Easy Ways Removing Rust Stains from Formica

Some countertops come with Formica. Formica is a plastic to laminate the stone’s surface, usually used for countertops and other furniture.

However, this plastic could form some rust stains too. So, you have to know the simple ways of removing rust stains from Formica.

Though the rust stains won’t be permanently staying on the surface of Formica, you have to clean the rust, especially if it’s used for food.

Easy Ways Removing Rust Stains from Formica

Easy Ways Removing Rust Stains from Formica

Without proper cleaning, it will damage the surface of Formica, even the furniture itself. Here are some ways to remove the rust stains for it.

1. Using a mild detergent

Detergent is the easiest material you could find in your house unless you do the laundry service every day.

Whether it’s liquid or powder, it works well for removing rust stains from Formica. Here’s how you do it properly:

  • Prepare mild detergent about 2-3 teaspoons, a litre of warm water, a rough cloth and a gentle brush.
  • Mix the detergent with warm water and stir well until the detergent dissolves.
  • Spray the liquid onto the surface with the rust stains.
  • Scrub the rust stains area using the cloth. However, don’t be too rough because the cloth is rough enough.
  • If some rust stains are hard to vanish even after scrubbing, use a gentle brush as spraying more liquid onto it.
  • Wipe the rust stains area after brushing. Removing rust stains from Formica is finished. You’ll see the Formica on your furniture is clean again without any damage.

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2. Using pasta, lemon and borax

Lemon has acid content that will fight rust. Though it’s acidic, it’s not abrasive and corrosive because of the natural material.

While borax is a material that contains heat, the mix of lemon and borax will peel off the rust stains easily and fast. Here’s what you need to do.

  • Prepare three teaspoons of borax and two teaspoons of lemon water. Make sure the lemon is still fresh, so it gives the best result for Formica, even for removing rust stains from the Corian countertop.
  • Make pasta from lemon and borax in a small bowl. Mix it well using a gentle and soft brush.
  • Apply the paste on the rust stains as you brush the Formica gently. Do it with round formation from the outer to the centre.
  • After that, wipe the residue using a paper towel or damp cloth.
  • You don’t have to rinse water because it’s not soapy and won’t leave marks.

3. Using alcohol

If you want the instant method of removing rust stains for Formica, choose alcohol.

You don’t have to make pasta from it because you just need the alcohol and cloth. It works for removing rust stain from granite countertops too.

  • Prepare some alcohol, clear water and dry cloth.
  • Spray or pour the alcohol into the rust stains area.
  • Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes because alcohol will scrape the rust stains chemically.
  • After that, scrub the rust stains using a dry cloth.
  • Clear the Formica using clear water, and you’ll see the rust stains have vanished.
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4. Using vinegar

Vinegar has acidic contents, just like lemon, but it can’t scrape the stone beneath the Formica. All you need to do is choose the right vinegar.

Use the highest acidic content for eating purposes. Here’s the way how to remove rust stains from Formica using vinegar.

  • Prepare three teaspoons of vinegar, but its amount has to be adjusted based on a large number of rust stains on Formica.
  • Spray the vinegar onto the rust stains.
  • Leave it for about 10 minutes.
  • Start to brush the surface of Formica gently.
  • Rinse using clean water and tap the surface using a dry cloth as the last step of removing rust stains from Formica.

5. Using lemon and baking soda

Lemon and baking soda are great materials for removing rust stains from Formica. Lemon is acidic, and baking soda has an active chemical to remove the rust easily.

  • Prepare two teaspoons of baking soda and three teaspoons of lemon.
  • After the pasta is ready, apply the paste using a gentle brush to brush it gently.
  • The next step is to let the formula in pasta completely work.
  • In the next few minutes, rinse the Formica surface using clean water.

6. Using talc

No one ever thinks that talc could remove the rust stains. You can use baby powder too and some additional material like lemon as acidic material.

Here’s the step to clean the rust.

  • Prepare two tablespoons of talk and a tablespoon of lemon. Mix them into pasta.
  • Apply the paste onto the Formica. After that, brush the rust stains or wipe them away using a paper towel.
  • Repeat it about twice or thrice until the rust stains are invisible.

Tips for Removing Rust Stains from Formica

Tips for Removing Rust Stains from Formica

1. Using pine cleaner

Pine cleaner has an active chemical to help you remove rust stains from Formica. It has a nice odour that is so fresh for your furniture.

If the Formica isn’t used for the food, use pine cleaner to substitute the alcohol. Avoid using it when you clean the Formica on the countertop.

2. Don’t delay to clean

Delaying to clean the Formica simply because you are too lazy to do it will make your Formica have more rust stains.

The more it has on the surface, your work will increase, and it’s time-consuming. As soon as you see rust stains, clean immediately to prevent them from spreading more.

3. Avoid high acidic material

Acid materials work wonders for removing rust stains for Formica. However, you need to know the amount of acidic content in it.

If the acidic is too high, it will scrape the Formica instead of removing the rust stains. So, you have to look at the percentage of acid in it.

Whatever the method you choose for removing rust stains from Formica, you should still check the possibility of rust stains coming back.

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Any methods don’t make the rust stains vanish for good. Avoid using abrasive material because it will damage the whole Formica and the furniture beneath.

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