3 Main Factors to Consider for Your Kitchen Backsplash Height

Kitchen Backsplash Height

The height of your kitchen backsplash is a crucial factor to consider when designing your kitchen.

In this article, we will cover the basics of a kitchen backsplash height and 3 main factors to keep in mind when considering it.

It can be beneficial to consider the style of your home when designing your kitchen.

This is because when you take a lot of time to consider the style of your home, you will be able to see how it fits into all of the rooms.

1. Standard vs. Full-Height Backsplash

The first thing to consider is whether you want a standard height or a full-height backsplash.

What is Standard Height Backsplash?

Standard Height Backsplash

A standard height backsplash will usually only cover the wall between the bottom of your countertop and the cabinet underneath it. It is commonly 4 inches high from the kitchen countertop.

This is called standard height because it’s been the standard design for all new homes since the 1960s.

Advantages of Standard Height

Disadvantages of Standard Height

  • Standard height backsplash tiles are generally cheaper than full-height backsplash tiles.
  • This type of kitchen backsplash will allow you to see the wall behind your countertop, which can be very helpful in a room with many windows.
  • Easier to clean, as dirt and other objects will not get stuck between the countertop and the cabinet.
  • The countertop may have to be cut for a large appliance like a dishwasher or a fridge.
  • Sound from the cabinet may be an issue if you have a gas stove.
  • The backsplash may not be a perfect fit for your room.

What is Full-Height Backsplash?

Kitchen Backsplash Height

A full-height backsplash is more like a countertop, as it will cover the entire wall. A full backsplash reaches up to the height of your kitchen cabinets.

Many homeowners prefer a full-height backsplash as it allows them to get more storage out of their kitchen.

Advantages of Full Height

Disadvantages of Full Height

  • The entire wall is covered, which means you do not have to worry about the countertop showing up between cabinets if they are made from different materials.
  • Can reduce sound from the cabinet in a kitchen with a gas stove.
  • Can be easier to clean than a standard height backsplash.
  • This type of backsplash leaves the wall behind your countertop completely covered, which gives the room a cleaner look.
  • For the same amount of work, the room will be twice as beautiful when you choose a full-height backsplash.
  • The backsplash may be a more attractive option in your home if the countertop is made from a different material than most of the cabinets beneath it.
  • You have to buy the backsplash and cut it to size. This can be done by a professional, or you can take the time to do it yourself.
  • Tile pieces may be more expensive than standard height backsplash.
  • Tile pieces may be more difficult to install than standard height backsplash.
Also Read:   17 Awe-Inspiring White Kitchen Blue Backsplash Ideas You Can Steal

2. Lighting in Your Kitchen

Kitchen Backsplash Height

The second thing you will need to consider when deciding on a kitchen backsplash height is the amount of light in your kitchen.

You need to make sure that you have enough light in your kitchen to see everything clearly.

You want to make sure that you have enough light in your kitchen, so you don’t end up tripping over something and hurting yourself.

The best thing you can do is make sure you have at least a 40-watt bulb per person in your kitchen and do not let the light escape through any windows.

This will make sure that you have enough light in your kitchen for whatever you are doing.

3. Materials for Kitchen Backsplash

Kitchen Backsplash Height

When deciding on a kitchen backsplash height, the final thing to consider is what types of materials you want to use.

You may want to consider what types of materials look best in your kitchen, or you may want to consider the cost of each type of material.

Either way, you need to know what materials will work best for your backsplash before you start designing.

The best thing to do is to take your time and decide which materials will work best for you.

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In summary, there are several factors which you should consider when deciding on a kitchen backsplash height.

You need to pay attention to the style of your home, the amount of light in your home, and what materials you want to use.

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