16 Alluring Orange Window Treatments

orange window treatments

FeastHome – Bright colors, like orange, are needed in the kitchen or any other room where hurly-burly happens every day. You could throw the said color in almost anything, but the easiest would probably be in orange window treatments.

Why window treatments? It’s because they come in limitless options to choose from. Furthermore, though they’re just taking the role of accents, they could become a sudden focal point and steal people’s attention.

Now, without further ado, here’re the suggestions.

1. Floral Printing Curtain

orange window treatments

Who could avoid the freshness of flowers in the rooms? No one, ladies and gentlemen! Thus, present some flowery pattern in your curtain to brighten up the mood.

2. Checkers is a Must

kitchen window treatments

For the sake of long-lasting nuance, select checkered pattern. Checkers never die though the era has changed even several times at the very least. They’re classic and modern at the same time; your safest bet!

3. Short and Elegance

orange window treatments

This curtain set comes uniquely. It’s like a flowy dress that women elegantly wear at formal parties. So, if you want to feel a touch of elegance inside the area, choose this curtain model and combination!

4. Dream Kitchen in Orange Hues

orange window treatments

Okay, maybe the only orange things are the window treatments and the ceiling lampshades. But this is what happens when an accent steals your attention. The surrounding will go with the accent’s flow and emanate the same aura. Magical!

5. Solid Orange Drapes

kitchen window treatments

This picture shows a certain area indeed, but it wants to show you that such drapes are also suitable everywhere. However, please take note that it only fits for the freestanding window only, where nothing whatsoever exists above and below the window.

6. Front-Store like Shades

kitchen window treatments

It’s kind of funny when things you usually see outside are inside now. This certain window treatment is usually used in front of wayside stores and restaurants. It functions to shade the customers from the heat or rain.

But, not this time. In terms of giving comfort to your pets’ valuable mealtime, everything is permissible! And the whole set is complete when combined with blinds.

7. Rod Pocket Heading Style

orange window treatments

To go beyond ordinary, have your curtain set installed with rod pocket style for the heading. It’s when the fabric of the curtain acts as a tunnel to feed the rod. You won’t need extra help from the rings or any other curtain attachment system.

8. Kids’ Favorite to Bring out Their Appetite

kitchen window treatments

If you’re a parent, you’ll aware of children’s eating issue. There’ll come a phase when they refuse all the food you offer. That’s when this curtain comes in handy. Try to bring out their appetite by installing this fun-character printing curtain.

It’s full with food cartoon drawing in bright colors, some things that absolutely will invite your kids over.

9. Easy-to-Find Curtain Set

orange window treatments

This is an example of the usual curtain you probably see everywhere due to its popularity. It’s simple, printed in an up-to-date pattern, colored in interesting tone, and easy to install. I bet it makes so many people fall for it.

Also Read:   17 Monochrome Kitchen Window Treatments You Wouldn’t Want to Miss

10. Bold Orange Soft Blinds

kitchen window treatments

Well, apparently you could make use of some fabric and cloth to be the blinds. Because you see, the problem with hard blinds lies in the cleaning difficulty. By utilizing fabric, you could remove and wash it easily. And the cleaning process resulted in optimally.

11. Mini Roller Blinds

kitchen window treatments

Now, this is not surprisingly preferred by the girls. The color selection, easy installation, and its practical functions; all of them lead to be girls’ favorite. No chicks will miss the opportunity of having one like this in their private zone.

12. Modern Roman Shades

orange window treatments

Window treatments come in various picks. And these roman shades second the statement. They’re so modern that support any space with contemporary design.

Roman shades are also classy and graceful to have. It brings up the level of your rooms by several steps higher.

13. Uniform Roman Shades and Drapery

orange window treatments

Just like how your living room deserves this combination of window treatment, your kitchen and any other room in the house do as much. At least, that’s the message this picture wants to deliver.

Get them customized if no stores sell your preference. By customizing them, you could get as desired.

14. The Importance of Interior Design

kitchen window treatments

There are these seven important things called interior design elements. They are Color, Forms, Light, Line, Pattern, Space, and lastly, Texture.

We’ll discuss them briefly at the bottom of the page. For now, let’s just enjoy seeing a perfect workroom that contains all seven elements.

15. Apartment Window Covering

orange window treatments

You see an example of window coverings which are suitable for high-ceiling rooms only, usually found in apartments. Besides its shape, how it looks also matters. The pattern selection must be done thoroughly so that they fit the whole-scale concept.

16. Unexpected Room Divider

orange window treatments

If you happen to have a large-scale window, nothing could beat the perfection of this grand ‘room divider’. It’s so huge as if it divides two rooms apart and flawless to welcome you to the other room.

Well, like has been mentioned previously, it’s time to briefly discuss the seven important things. In interior design, each has a role to take. Color connects every object aesthetically and creates the mood.

Form (shape) builds harmony and balance. Light is crucial in highlighting color, pattern, and texture. Line, from which forms are formed, holds the significance of a mother. Pattern increases attention. Space is the basis of the others. And texture defines the appearance.

Why are they discussed here? It’s because they work to make stability and harmony. If one doesn’t exist, the whole interior design would be no avail. And you should consider all of them to feel a great impact.

You’ve seen all inspirations of orange window treatments this article has to offer. If you want to execute any of the ideas, don’t forget to involve the seven importance of interior design above.

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