FeastHome – Green is typically associated with nature, health, renewal, and prosperity, which makes sense to see this particular color mostly in hospitals. Does not mean this color is only associated in hospitals, however. This color goes well in the kitchen, too.
Be it green wall paint or green appliances, it is a very nice and calming color to consider as a theme in the kitchen. Much like many other colors, it can be in any shade of green.
1. Basic Lime Green Kitchen

For day-to-day, normal kitchen, this one is pretty good to go. It’s better to start from somewhere and when green appliances are not available (yet), might as well decorate the kitchen with some fresh green paint.
Some plants as decoration may also work nicely to give the natural feel of nature in the kitchen.
2. Wall and Brilliant Green Contrast

For more brilliant green, it’s a step higher from the wall paint. In this kitchen layout, the wall is coated in white paint, except the wall tiles where the counters and cabinets are placed on. As a plus, the counters itself is also lime green in color.
This one kitchen is some of the easiest green-themed kitchens that you can quickly pull off if you wish.
3. Sunny Natural Green

It is a more elaborate, nature styled kitchen. In addition to its almost entirely green composition, the plant also decorates the kitchen. Though so, most of the greens are once again from the counters. That would be nicer if you can have a green kitchen stove.
To let your eyes rest from the green appliances set all over the place, have the walls painted in broken white or cream, the floors finished in wood, and the utensils in sleek silver.
4. Classic Green

One of the classic style kitchens, this one has a lot of cabinets, counters, and an island with olive coating. It is not much of a vintage, but it sure is pretty classy and fancy.
Contrast the olive green with some pops up of bold red. It’s to let your eyes rest at some point from having too much green.
5. Peaceful Olive and White

Another example of olive-green coating, this kitchen combines the creamy white counters with green stove, microwave, and refrigerator. This color combination makes the kitchen look humble, nice, and homely.
6. Rock and Green Grass Kitchen

When it comes to modesty, this pickle green counters would go along nicely with stone gray floor and wall tiles. These two colors also happen to be some of the ‘wilder’ colors, embodiment of nature. It may make you feel like your kitchen is in somewhere else.
7. Basic Olive and White Contrast

Olive green and creamy white combination appear to be preferable color for the kitchen set as they do exert some degree of coolness and fresh feeling.
8. Natural Green and Wood

Besides olive green, the brilliant emerald green appliances (and wall paint) can also go along nicely with white and even dark brown. To make it even more beautiful, some red and yellow colored appliances can also be placed.
9. Natural Kitchen Stove Layout

Ever wondered how a nature-based kitchen looks like? This is one of the examples. Bear in mind that while you do not need more than one kitchen stoves, you may place some nature typed decorations around, like plastic or rubber plants, even real ones.
When you decide about putting some plants in the kitchen, make sure to place it somewhere that is visible and eye-catching. If they are real plants, they could use some water and sunlight too.
When it is done, you may be surprised by how much your kitchen changes. Is it a kitchen or a greenhouse? It is just that exotic.
10. Bright Mint

Mint green is another preferable option to complement white environment, and much like olive and pickle green, this color helps in freshen the room.
11. Bright Chartreuse Layout

When you are feeling like to have green but not too green, you can never go wrong with some chartreuse green.
12. Shades of Mint

While this color hue seems like more fitting for bathrooms, it also works for the kitchen, really, especially if you are the kind of person who appreciates hygiene. These mint green kitchen appliances might encourage you and everyone at home to keep the kitchen clean.
13. Traditional Green Tile

Nothing can really go wrong with some classic, traditional touch. Olive green might gives off an impression that makes everything looks out of time, but that’s what makes it unique and antique.
14. Sunny Natural Light

This one kitchen layout is more soothing and refreshing than most. And with sufficient natural lighting from the door or windows, you can’t help but preparing something most delicious and healthy in this kitchen.
15. Forest Kitchen Layout

Being close to nature has never been this easy. The large window in the kitchen allows you to be busy in the kitchen while never misses on anything that happens outside. Not to mention, it’s the closest that you get with the feeling of cooking outdoors.
16. Simple Green Kettle

Small appliances like this are not only reliable but also look neat in certain colors. Take this green kettle for example.
17. Brilliant Green Fridge

Fridge is usually where people keep their groceries, and since green is usually a symbol of health, it would make sense to have a green fridge in the kitchen. Hopefully, anything that is stored inside would be healthy and stay fresh.
In context, besides making your kitchen looks beautiful, green appliances will also make things healthier. It is probably just a suggestion, but a healthy soul makes a healthy body, right? If your mind is at peace, calm, and fresh, so is your physique. Hopefully.
Don’t just have green appliances to give you some comforting sense to be healthy but you have to make sure that you eat healthy too. This color is supposed to be a reminder of how important health, balance, and nature are. Be sure to take good care of yourself.
Embrace green, be healthy, renew yourself, and start decorating your own perfectly and healthily assembled kitchen with these green appliances. The healthy and clean kitchen goes a long way.